Facebook updates status box, inspired by g+

In another upgrade to win over its only standing rival (Google+), Facebook has updated its ‘status updates’ box with new features, or should I say, G+ features.
Facebook copying Google Plus
Let me introduce you to the 3 major upgrades that status box has undergone & how they stand against Google Plus

1) Say who you’re with

You can now use a button to tag friends who are with you.
people in Facebook status
The post will be visible to the person you have tagged and their friends too. If someone else has tagged you in their post, you may review it for privacy concerns.
Compared to g+: Google+ always had this feature of choosing whom you want to share a post with. It’s more or less the same thing, Facebook has just put it differently.
google plus share status privacy

2) Geo Tagging

No need saying am here for the vacations, just click the balloon button and your location will be automatically added to your post. (So now you can’t even lie)
location to Facebook status
However, it’s highly recommended that you do not share your location with everyone when on a vacation, as it may prove to be a boon for those thieves online, staring keenly at your house, waiting for it to be empty.
Compared to g+: Geo-tagging has been a popular feature of Google+ and there’s nothin’ new on Facebook. In fact, on G+, clicking on your location will take a user to that location in Google Maps, while Facebook lacks it.
Geo tagging to add location in Google Plus

3) Control privacy for a status when updating it

With the click of a button, you can choose whom you want to share the status with. That setting will become default, until you change it again.
Control privacy when updating status on Facebook
The label Everyone has now been changed to Public. Well you can connect that to g+, no?
Compared to g+: Controlling privacy while posting has been the most applauded feature of Google+. Facebook has again copied it, but you will need to open a light-box from Custom button to control more options of this feature. While on G+, they’re all embedded into one.

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